I just walked away 30 years ago.
No announcement no dramma.
It worked for me.
freedon of religion guarantees any individual the legal right to abandon any religion at any time for any reason.. if you are a citizen of a country which champions human rights, then your government doesn t care what religion you join, but they will uphold your freedom to join it, without interference, coercion or persecution.
your countries human rights legislation will conversely uphold your rights when it comes time to abandon any religion you so choose.
those (elders) who incite others interfere, coerce or persecute those who have left will be in transgression of the human rights statutes.. a person is only obligated to ecclesiastic law if he exposes himself to it or transgressed it while still a member of a religious community.. when your time comes to abandon the jw-wt cult, do it while still in good standing, be proactive - be decisive -put it in writing!..and do it before the hounders set sights on you.. write a card or letter with as much or as little explanation as you one day might wish to share with pharisees and lawyers.. take this card to a notary public to have your signature witnessed and have the writing overstamped in several places with the date.
I just walked away 30 years ago.
No announcement no dramma.
It worked for me.
Graybeard. I think you would be more successful on this site by just typing out various post
that you are talking about. State your feelings opinions and let others comment on them.
Maybe slide in a video from time to time.
That is the format here.
Make a youtube channel and find various ways to attract people to it.
I would think a lot of people would be interested in cannabis.
Make a facebook page and put your videos on it and try to find friends
Maybe myspace.
Good luck.
Amen and power to you.
Good Luck.
Checking out your web page.
I relate to you in many ways.
I also make music. I have mixcraft 7 and protools.
Florida almost legalized marijuana this past election in November.
But rich out of state interest spent a lot of personal money against it.
The biggest opposition was out of state casinos and gambling.
boring and useless, a waste of valuable time..
I am not defending the JW's, I loathe them.
But in my never ending pursuit of truth.
All life is meaningless, ultimately.
The best you can do is eat, drink, be merry and have a good time.
When you get to be my age, you cant even do that without serious repercussions.
The food gives you cholesterol and the booze elevates your triglycarides and cholesterol
and that can give you a heart attack.
But, everyday above ground is a good one.
boring and useless, a waste of valuable time..
I do tottaly agree that the meetings and field service were a waste of time.
But you had to go through that to get to the parties.
boring and useless, a waste of valuable time..
Just kidding.
No I don't think it was the same religion.
The JW's I belonged to said the world was going to end in 75.
That is why I left when it did not.
The JW's I belonged to said the generation that was a discernable age in 1914 would not pass away.
They all have.
I have no idea what todays JW's believe.
Also my Congregation in Brecksville Ohio was very social back in the 70's.
That was the trap the snare that held you there.
All of the friends and the wholesome activities.
If I can call drinking all you can wholesome.
in the creation vs evolution argument:.
the often used illustration of a watch found in the desert.
someone had to make it.. with creation also someone had to make it.
God helps those who help themselves.
That is what I have always heard
and seen with my own eyes.
Man has done more to help man than God has ever done.
That is what I see also.
Certain writings in the bible may inspire man to do good helpful things.
But at the end of the day God helps those who help themselves.
Which might be retranslated to
"If you want something done, do it yourself"
Religious meetings and church not JW meetings.
Could be like pep talks once a week to focus and go out and do something good.
Help the poor and needy.
That is what the bible and Jesus were about helping the poor and needy.
boring and useless, a waste of valuable time..
My life wasn't boring when I was a Jw.
Except the part sitting at the meetings.
I had lots of friends/ acquaintances.
Lots of dinner dates, parties every week, gatherings.
Sporting games to play in every week.
Skiing, sled riding, toboganing, picnicks.
Job opportunities.
All those things made it hard, stressful and lonely to quit.
I went through a lot of therapy and self help rebuilding my life after I left.
I have never since had as many assoicates, friends.
please share your experiences..
Shortly after I quit in 1983,
My mother and brother quit.
I think we each had our individual reasons.
But I was the first and then my mother and brother followed.
I quit but did not play by their rules, so I can still be talked to and associate.
My mother and brother announced in writing their decision and have been shunned since.
police: man fatally shot at kingdom hall after alleged domestic dispute.
december 7, 2014 7:22 pm .
bridgeport - police in bridgeport say they are investigating a deadly shooting that may have stemmed from a domestic dispute.
Bad reporting like all the other reporting in the US.
It doesn't seem like anyone was killed in the Kingdom hall.
And the shooting happened on the street.
On the street is not in a building.
All reporters in the USA should have to prove they have at least a
7th grad education before they allow them to do any reporting.
Especially regarding the National news.